Stuck on a level and not sure which card to get or which card will help? This page will allow you to see how every card in the game perform on each stage when they are at their max level. See which card is best and how to obtain them.
Select a stage then select cards by checking the checkbox on each row.
Experiement with different combinations to see how to you can pass the mission.
Cards with 👍 are the best for this stage.
!IMPORTANT! You need at least one 👍 card to pass the stage.
Cards that are bolded are already in your collection. Go to the Calculator screen to add cards to your collection.
Cards that appear like THIS cannot help you pass the stage based on your already selected cards.
How to obtain? 🧩 = card is craftable when you reach XX afinity with that member. 4-5★ = Blue Box (4-5★ random draw) 5★ = Yellow Box or 5★ Draw ticket from DNA shop (5★ random draw) 5★ = card can be obtained through the I Purple You Box (5★ selector) 💎 = card can come from the gem draw 💵 = card can come from the coin draw 🏮 = Chuseok 25 Day Challenge selector Details